Empower your employees. Unburden your team.
Eliminate the heavy lifting to improve Business-as-Usual (BAU) readiness and overall IT agility by using Juriba's automated, workflow-driven communication and versatile, easy-to-use self-service.
Allow employees to self-select a preferred migration date in real-time and within the constraints of your capacity. Scheduling is made simpler for both your team and your employees.
Reduce the number of applications you have to package, test, maintain, and license by validating the apps employees actually use. On average, our clients achieved a 25% and, in some cases, as high as 70% reduction.
The Juriba self-service portal reduces resource-intensive and time-consuming process in large IT Transformation projects or continuous lifecycle management. Included within the Juriba license is a highly customizable employee self-service IT migration portal that can be easily configured for use cases such as end-user validation of application usage, device ownership, and personal information, choosing a new device from predetermined options, and capacity-driven self-scheduling.
Empower employees to:
Pick their preferred migration date based on predefined parameters, such as capacity or migration window by location
Choose a new device from predetermined options as part of a hardware refresh project
Confirm, remove, or update application ownership as part of the annual audit or before a larger transformation initiative
Validate application usage and other personal information such as location, business unit, or shipping address
Confirm, update, or remove mailbox or device ownership
and much more.
Set up by project as a user, device, application, or mailbox-based self-service portal, depending on IT transformation goals. Build multiple self services for different purposes and give them different scopes depending on their purpose. It can be configured to serve many different use cases such as data validation, self-scheduling, confirming user preferences, device selection, and much more.
Automatically trigger emails to selective users inviting them to click on a unique-to-them URL that directs them to the self-service wizard. Within minutes, you can collect everything you need to know.
The Juriba platform is accessible to all customers, and is reviewed annually to comply with WCAG 2.1 A and AA guidelines. We aim to meet the highest accessibility standards including the upcoming WCAG 2.2 guidelines.
The Juriba platform supports four main languages and locales: British English (en-GB), American English (en-US), French (fr), and German (de) but the self-service capabilities are available in 13 different languages.
Changing your language in Juriba will also display date, number, and other regional specific formats. Note that data stored in Juriba is not translated and will always be displayed as it is held in the database.
Schedule a personalized product demo to find out how Juriba can help your organization
manage your Digital Workplace with fewer resources in a shorter amount of time.