Cost & Resource Savings
"I need to use my resources/budget smarter!"
Fueled by changes to their business operations, enterprises are re-prioritizing their tech investments to support their needs.
Consequently, most organizations are slightly increasing their IT budgets, yet IT teams have to do more to enable employees
to "Work From Anywhere" as well as drive Digital Transformation and innovative projects. This means reducing resource
overhead and increasing cost savings takes on a whole new dimension!
of tech leaders changed IT priorities in 2020 due to the pandemic (TechRepublic's CIO Survey)
Global spending on digital transformation (DX) between 2020 and 2023 (IDC)
Digital Transformation will take twice as long & cost 2X more than anticipated. (Gartner)
Eliminate Expensive Manual Tasks By Automating
By automating all of your Workplace Management processes from project command and control to application testing and packaging, you eliminate all of the tedious and labor-intensive manual tasks that take forever, are frustrating to complete, and usually are prone to human error.
For example, a typical IT Transformation project, like an OS migration, requires an average of 6-10 emails sent per user. Even at only five minutes an email for only 10,000 users, it would take an army (or 10 people more than a hundred working days) to send, track, and audit all the emails — or 2-3 hours setting up our automated T-minus-based communication!
Drastically Cuts Costs & Reduces Project Timeline
With Juriba Workplace Automation, you are not making a bad process simply faster — you are determining (based on data and proven industry best practices) your path of maximum velocity, and then you're automating it end-to-end.
This reduces the number of human interactions and drives a consistent and robust process with known inputs and outputs. For example, we helped a large customer streamline their complex, resource-intensive, and therefore very expensive 34-step Office 365 migration processes into an easy and quick 2-click workflow. This resulted in a drastically reduced project budget and timeline.
Let's Talk About How Juriba Can Help You Cut Costs!
Just fill out the form and one of our IT Transformation and Evergreen IT Management specialists will be in touch shortly to schedule a 30-60 minute consultation (based on your needs).
After this session, you will walk away with a clear understanding of how your organization can better utilize Workplace Automation to help you save costs, resources, and time. No strings attached.