IT environments tend to be extremely complex and difficult to manage. With Juriba Workplace Automation, you can focus on innovation and enabling your nurses, doctors, and other staff to provide the best care rather than worrying about OS migrations, hardware refreshes, etc.
Time savings when automatically packaging apps with the Juriba AppM packaging tool.
Return-on-Investment when managing multiple Evergreen IT projects with Juriba Dashworks.
Project savings with Juriba compared to managing Evergreen IT processes in a traditional way.
Juriba's Workplace Automation platform provides IT with a single pane of glass across the IT estate, automates the entire process using intelligent workflows, and creates tailored migration routes for different types of workers. The platform also makes it much easier to discover, rationalize, and package of the many custom apps that can be problematic to migrate, especially if they are out of support.
Many larger hospitals, nursing homes, and rehab facilities have a workforce with tens of thousands of highly specialized, mobile employees that use clinical machines or require mobile access to IT (e.g., through tablets).
Large healthcare providers, such as clinics or hospitals, are also often more distributed in terms of location. This can prove difficult to manage without an efficient way to track devices, users, and their associated locations.
As patients increasingly want to have more involvement in the process while in care and demand more access to health records, appointment schedules, etc., healthcare providers often custom-develop a disproportionate amount of custom apps, which are difficult to migrate onto, for example, a new OS.
It is critical that a healthcare provider has efficient processes and effective standard operating procedures in place to run smoothly. While some updates are necessary, IT departments in larger healthcare organizations often hold back as long as possible in fear of disrupting the daily routine.
The healthcare industry has been known in the past to face certain infrastructure
technology advancement in a rather skeptical fashion — and with good reasons:
The fee-for-service payment model that physicians and many healthcare facilities have to operate under discourages any technological advancements that could reduce the number of patient visits or cause unnecessary disruption to the workforce.
Hospitals and physicians walk a very fine line protecting a patient's privacy and giving personal care. The need for a high-touch migration drives cost and complexity, resulting in a much higher level of testing and readiness for those critical patient-supporting apps.
Many healthcare providers, insurance companies, and others would love the benefits of new technology, but with patient care at the forefront of any decision-making, investments are always made in patient technology rather than infrastructure transformation.
We work with some of the largest and most well-known hospitals, nursing facilities, and healthcare organizations in the world — many of them managing multiple Evergreen IT project streams in parallel on a continuous basis.
Schedule a personalized demo of our powerful Workplace Automation platform today and find out
how Juriba can help your team increase security, boost productivity, and become more agile!